At Anorit Medical, we believe that anyone can be a lifesaver.
Cardiac Arrest out-of-hospital affects more than 350.000 people every year in Europe alone1. Survival depends on the prompt response of bystanders and the provision of Basic Life Support.
We are pioneering an innovative ventilation device, with the potential to raise survival rates during out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. Our device allows laypersons to provide high quality air in a simple way and without direct contact with the patient.
patients in Europe every year1
survive on average2,3
Cardiac Arrest is a common event occurring out-of-hospital. Approximately 350.000 people are affected in Europe annually1, with a grim survival rate of 8-10%2-3 and an even lower survival with a good neurological function. Survival is shown to decrease by every minute elapsing. Therefore, prompt bypasser involvement is essential for improving the chances of survival. However, even in Denmark where the involvement and skill level of laypersons is high, the survival rate has plateaued for years.
This calls for a new tool in the resuscitation process.
Recent data demonstrate that correctly providing air to the patient, is associated with improved survival rates4. However, the main available option for laypersons is mouth-to-mouth ventilation. This technique poses an intimacy barrier due to the direct contact with the patient, discouraging laypersons to perform it. Additionally, it is a complex task, so even when performed the success rate is low.
Our innovative device addresses this problem, by eliminating the need for direct contact, simplifying the task and providing high quality of air. All the while not interfering with the essential tasks of chest compressions and shock via AEDs.

Sotiria Athanasiadou
CEO & Co-founder
Sotiria is a Pharmacist, with a Master’s degree within “Medicines and Society”. Originally from Greece, she has lived in Denmark since 2017 and has worked in a leading Danish medical device company, within Global Quality and Medical Affairs.
Sotiria is also a thorough Project Manager and creative Facilitator, while in the past she has successfully founded and grown a volunteering student organisation.

Minik Nørreslet
CTO & Co-founder
Minik is an experienced Osteopath with previous studies within Mechanical Engineering. He was born and raised in Greenland, and has also lived in UK as part of his studies.
Minik has successfully owned and developed businesses within Physiotherapy and Osteopathy.

Andreas Konradsen
CPO & Co-founder
Andreas is an Industrial designer from the Royal Danish Academy of Architecture, Design, and Conservation with 10 years of experience in product development. Andreas has previously served as CTO in a startup company within medical devices, where he was responsible for IP, design, and development of a neonatal device.
Andreas is highly focused on the product performance and material, as well as its design and usability.
Our team was initially formed as part of the BioMedical Design Novo Nordisk Foundation Fellowship Programme. During this post-graduate programme, our team was created with a focus on diversity in terms of skills, backgrounds and experience. Andreas, Minik and Sotiria, together with the fourth member of our team – Nanna Skytt Pilmark, doctor and PhD – worked together at identifying a real need within healthcare and then taking the first steps to develop a solution for it.
We believe that our different backgrounds have allowed us to combine diverse understandings of healthcare, systems, resources and social structures, as well as to leverage a strong international network.

1. ERC | Bringing resuscitation to the world. Available from:
2. Gräsner, Jan-Thorsten et al. “European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021: Epidemiology of cardiac arrest in Europe.” Resuscitation vol. 161 (2021): 61-79. doi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2021.02.007
3. Virani, Salim S et al. “Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2020 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association.” Circulation vol. 141,9 (2020): e139-e596. doi:10.1161/CIR.0000000000000757
4. Idris, Ahamed H et al. “Bag-Valve-Mask Ventilation and Survival From Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Multicenter Study.” Circulation vol. 148,23 (2023): 1847-1856. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.065561